23108 S. Normandie Ave., Torrance, CA 90502
phone: 310-257-9488 email: info@autocolors.us
Auto Colors has earned a large and loyal customer base, built mostly from word-of-mouth. This is a result of stressing customer service. Our prevailing attitude is “customer first” in everything we do.
Why choose us…
We will tow your vehicle to our shop for insurance inspection. We cover the towing fees and bill the insurance company so you don't have any out-of-pocket towing charges.
Call us today for a FREE estimate. 310-257-9488
"Every single job we do is guaranteed. I back every car with my experience and my reputation. Customer satisfaction is Auto Colors number one priority. I follow through and do whatever it takes to fulfill my promises to my customers.
We're happy to get it done on deadline and in a high-quality manner.
We want each customers visit to be a positive experience and will work diligently towards that goal."